Sunday, November 27, 2016


Love is power
We can do beyond our thoughts
It drives us to protect
Without boundaries, we act
With love in our heart - the greatest

Love is strength
Carry us when we struggle
If we search the love
Within us, we overcome
All that seems emotionally impossible

Love is light
Where there is darkness
There will always be light
Look and feel love
You will find your way
Out of the darkness
A path will present to you

Love is foundation
Nothing has significance
Without the love
We are nothing
A mere hollow shell
Striving for meaning
That makes no sense
Until we have and know
- Love -

Love is a place
With deepest foundations
A place full of light
Filled with strength, power
This place we protect
Beyond our expectations

By Just Me

A Breeze Came

The breeze came,
the leaves rushed aimlessly ahead
letting the wind catch them in its whim

How freely they ebb and flow above the ground
they had once fallen
thought forsaken

Just as you came along
lifted me from a place
thought to dwell
for a long time to come

I let myself be open to you
caught in your presence
to take me - I follow thee
you lead me
to where I needed to be
- with you -

Just Me

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Impressionable Scars

I know I am privileged
when I see water in your eyes
One smell, one scene, one sound
- a flashback,
which only you can see

Only you can wear, the scars
they go where you go
never to be erased
eternally buried beneath you
but never completely hidden away

A part of your life, a moment,
a memory, a journey
that you have traversed and inked
mentally, physically and emotionally

We speak of our scars -
when we can, we wear them with pride
they are important in the making of who we are

As your eyes dabble or swim in the water
it is your soul expressing something important,
an impression that is forever yours

I am privileged - my soul wants to reach for yours
to ease your torment, this emotional pain
my eyes want to swim with yours,
not because I know what you are feeling, remembering
but because I am there for you, I feel sadness

In all of your incredible strength, I know
that in this moment no strength can stop
what needs to be released from within -
that's how these moments are important
- impressionable -

Just Me

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Downing in Dunes

It used to be that way
tear-drops hidden behind my smile
that shall never chance to fall
that shall never touch my face
that shall never hit the ground

A smile that held it all - buried
behind it lay shadows of a past
where years of who I could have been
were nothing but particles of dust

Drowning in dunes - dust to sand
swimming for the surface
struggling for air
as more of me was lost.......

All that I wanted to dream, reduced
all that was left of me was defence
any tear that shall escape
absorbed by the sand sculpture
of which I had become

by Just Me

More Than Just an Onion

Layers of an onion I gave to you
Like a circle, unbroken
Like the brightness of the moon
The warmth of the sun
I am your constant

At the heart of the onion
Is my heart - I give to you
More than an onion (a circle)
Wrapped in thin brown paper
I am potent with love
Fierce in my devotion

A kiss from an onion
(My lips to your lips) stained
With my faithfulness,
My commitment,
You possess me
I am sweetly poisoned by you
There is no cure - I don't need one
You are my constant

by Just Me

Thursday, December 10, 2015

In the Eye of the Beholder

They say that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’
But what about our ‘life is in the eye of the beholder’?
Who is the beholder of your life………….are you ?
The eye is an organ crucial to our perception
Truth be known, perception is more than just sight
Our eyes are the truth to who we are within
The morality within our heart that defines our actions

For those who adorn themselves with materialism
Or those who take and make what they desire, their own
Without consideration or consequences to others
This is your morality – this is who you are within

If you have faith you know the answer to the question
God is omniscient, our life has already been seen
Beginning to end, things which were, that are now
and that which has not yet been – even if you do not believe!

Why do you think there is so much inference to the ‘eye’
‘Turn a blind eye’, ‘short sighted’, ‘oh I see now’, ‘evil eye’, ‘keeping an eye out’, ‘eye of the needle’ ‘pleasing to the eye’, ‘eye opener’, ‘oversight’, ‘eye of the storm’, ‘twinkle of the eye’, ‘far sighted’, ‘blinded by the light’, ‘eyeball to eyeball’, an eye for it’, ‘between the eyes’ so now do you see?

Perceptions represented as sayings which influence actions
Which may be right or wrong or even good or bad

A day will come and you will reflect and question
In a roundabout way, your life and how you were tested
How you lived your life, how you should have lived your life
Was it the ‘evil eye’ or the omniscient eye of faith
Who has been the beholder of your life……………………………

Just Me

Window to My Soul

Even if my eyes had lost the ability of sight
I could still see you and you see me
My eyes as the interpreter of my soul
Speak to you, show you my inside out

In the years yet to come as my body will change
My mind will change, my skin will change
And my wrinkles will continue to age – as yours
My eyes will still be the essence of who I am
And this is all you will want to see
Because my eyes hold all that is me

My eyes are the window to my soul
Once they were heavily apparelled
Covered with layers that were unforgiving
Open only for shallow exploration
But you observed the fabric curtains
Traversed the wise wooden frames

Before holding a long gaze, directly into my soul
You peered gently in to my eyes, knowingly
I opened the windows widely for you

Since there has been your invitation to stare

By Just Me

About Me.........