Beauty - a global phenomena that dictates what we should wear, how we should look and how much we should weigh. Amongst all of that we live in a world where obesity is at a record high!
What is beauty to one is not to the is in the eye of the beholder - so they say - but I ask - is your vision of beauty swayed by the influence of magazine images, the model t.v. hosts and celebrities that are plastered in every modcon of today's society? does beauty mean anything in the end other than a cosmetic shallow exterior for first impressions.
I believe in the inner beauty of a person, the who they are and what they stand for, their inner strength, drive and determination or patience. A look - as quick as it comes and goes like today's fashion is just for now and not what lasts the distance. So to those that dive into the shallows of the water - the joy is just but a fantasy that lasts only seconds of a lifetime.