Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Impressionable Scars

I know I am privileged
when I see water in your eyes
One smell, one scene, one sound
- a flashback,
which only you can see

Only you can wear, the scars
they go where you go
never to be erased
eternally buried beneath you
but never completely hidden away

A part of your life, a moment,
a memory, a journey
that you have traversed and inked
mentally, physically and emotionally

We speak of our scars -
when we can, we wear them with pride
they are important in the making of who we are

As your eyes dabble or swim in the water
it is your soul expressing something important,
an impression that is forever yours

I am privileged - my soul wants to reach for yours
to ease your torment, this emotional pain
my eyes want to swim with yours,
not because I know what you are feeling, remembering
but because I am there for you, I feel sadness

In all of your incredible strength, I know
that in this moment no strength can stop
what needs to be released from within -
that's how these moments are important
- impressionable -

Just Me

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