Friday, November 29, 2013

What are we - without feeling

Feelings are a special story
They begin but never end
Change, Evolve and transform
Grow and deepen
Branches like trees
Reaching far and wide
Touching every ounce of life
A heart that is so inspired
A Body with loads of soul
A mind with limitless thought
Poems – meters of emotion
Music swaying notes into tones
Entice groove into my moves
You I dedicate chapters
I dedicate years of my life
Let us toast to feelings
However they may come
Because without you
I feel very lost

By Just Me

Eyes of a Smiling Heart

When you look in my eyes
What is it that you read?
Do you see the story
Rising up to greet
With every touch
Every beat
I feel

When you see me smile
What is it that you feel?
Do you see the happy
A spell you weave
In every moment
Every day you
Are with

My heart is on a 24/7 high
You are the coat of armor
That I wear with pride
Bonds me tight to you
Courage and strength
You are my knight
So full of light

Just Me

Friday, November 8, 2013


I want to take a lifetime
To get to know you
Know you deep inside
Completely In my mind
In my heart through
To my soul flowing
Slowly you love me
As deep as can go
Resonating within me
For all time  - into

Before you I was not me
I was so uninspired
Left behind in a world
Moving ahead without me
I was so out of step
So behind the times
But then I met you
A life dream, come to be
You - my best friend
For life

You are more special
Than you could know
How you make me cry
With the happiness
With feelings you inspire
I feel like the happiest
Person on earth
Just being with you
Every day is a new day
You let me love you
All I want to do is love you

Just Me

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Candle Light

In the night amongst candle light
The flickering of the flame
Soft scents that lift in the air
Our auras meet and entwine
We merge together as one
Embracing each other’s skin
A nakedness that feels so right
Looking into each other’s eyes
Surrendering to our time
In the ambience of candle light
You make me feel so alive
Just Me


All I have experienced and all that I am
Meant for the day when I’d meet you

The unhappy miles I have travelled
Looking at the stars I always wished
To find the person who completes me
Who rescues my heart and my soul

Making me feel alive – like my dream
I always wished to make a reality

Finally when I breathe it’s deep and free
My eyes see far and wide and they cry
Full of happiness – I can’t do without you
I feel like we are in a world of our own
A place that is only for me and you

You make me feel like I am amazing
You make me feel all brand new
With you it’s such a brilliant release
Like souring high in the open skies
Flying in light being smothered in love

How it feels to look into your eyes
To lay with you - for it to never end
You are the magic that is in my life
Best friends – it feels so eternal
My happiness - deep in your soul
To me – what I feel is untouchable
By any other experience in my life

I don’t wanna live my life without you
I just feel what we have is unbreakable

Just Me

About Me.........