It’s when the emotion has no words
That tears say what words could not
It’s because of you that I feel free
By allowing myself to feel – unlocking me
You see in me everything others don’t
It once was easy to live in darkness and hide
Afraid to peel back myself and live in light
I now live in the light always because of you
To hide in the darkness is out of my view
I used to think love was all about sacrifice
Now I know that for those you love
There is no sacrifice just giving all your love
Once chocolate was my desire, addiction, delight
Move over chocolate – you no longer come close
I love your determination to dig out everything I hide
Knowing to you - I will divulge all that is inside
You made me realise that life is the here and now
Don’t sweat the small stuff – wasted energy and time
Things that are worthwhile and interesting – is life
In the centre of my glowing light and happiness
Is the seed and stem – inspired totally by you!
Just Me