Saturday, November 29, 2014

I Would For You

If I could be your PC screen
I would inspire your gallery
Just so I can see you smile at me

If I could be your coffee cup
Just so I can feel your lips on me
Feel you embrace me as you drink

If I could be your sky
I would be the perfect one
Brilliant blue and sunshine
With gentle fluffy clouds
For the gentle cooling breeze

If I could be a book you read
It will consist of those short notes
Long emails, hand written letters
Conversations, every moment
We have ever lived together

If I could be your favourite meal
I would be everything - the flavour
The ingredients, the preparation
Cooking, compassion and enjoyment
Everything from beginning to end

If you wanted to take a joyride
I would be more than the joyride
I would be the joyride that never ends
Fulfilling, fun, satisfying, fast, slow
Intense, interesting & spontaneous

If it's fireworks you want to experience
I would be the vibrancy and the energy
I would be the most flamboyant 
That leaves a lasting impression on you
But I wouldn't just stop there .........

I would take you to a magnificent moon
Where it is at it's most brightest 
Where the stars glimmer like diamonds
The shooting stars parade just for us

If you should be alone to sit by a tree
I would be the gardens, the sun, the grass
I would be the gentle breeze, the sounds
Tranquility, birds, the calm in your soul
The relaxation in your body and mind

When you go for a jog alone or not
I would be the air to fill your lungs
Dancing through your body to energise
I would be the adrenalin rush
The place when you catch your breath

The thing is I would be there for you
The thing is I would sacrifice for you
The thing is I would do anything for you

By Just Me

I Know...........

I know how strong I can be
How tough & independent
I know what it is to be lonely
To lock people out - isolate
I know about disappointment
And those who use and abuse
I know about building walls
That are indestructible to most
I know how to hide - to be shy
Yet self aware to all around me
I generally know a good heart
Because I have one of my own
I know the eyes tell of much
and I see prying eyes and minds
I know those that can't help
But invade space to touch another
I know how to be uncomfortable
With what I see returned from a mirror
I now how to be uninspired, unhappy
Because there are no dreams
I know how to live a basic life
Taking life given for granted
I know about negative thinking
Because of the lack of confidence
There are lots we are capable of
Every single one of us - everyday
The damage that we each can do
To ourselves and to others
This is a profile - the possibility
Of how my life could have been
What are we without dreams
Happiness, inspiration, confidence
What are we without love, respect
Appreciation and belief in goodness
Above all of that someone to love
Someone to deeply connect with 
Someone who would be there for you
Someone you trust without question
Someone you want in your life
For the rest of your life - Eternally
If you have this kind of someone
This is where the happiness really is
Thank you is never enough to my someone
My someone - he knows who he is..........

By Just Me

Apologies in Advance

I apologise in advance
I'm going to stare in your eyes
For an unknown period of time
I may happen to watch you
And I wont be able to help myself

I apologise in advance
For my uncontrollable urge
To kiss your lips continuously
For any length of time
A number of times a day

I apologise in advance
Because I want to touch you
Even when I shouldn't
I might happen to hold you
Brush myself against you
Cuddle you or massage you

I realise I keep apologising 
But I think it's best you know
In advance - of my addiction
One that I am sure you know
The addiction I have with you
An addiction that has no cure

So while I am apologising
I should tell you how I feel
You struck me - lightening bolt
Straight to my heart - a charge
I have been changed / altered
Forever - an affect for life
You are the owner of my heart

Oh and I need to apologise
Because I can't help it - but
I think of you even when I'm not
You are never out of my thoughts
I'm never going to be out of love
Because I have so much to give
I hope you don't receiving my love
It's impossible to contain it
and i don't want to even try it

So Just know well in advance
That I have already apologised
For how special I may make you feel
For how much you are thought of
How I will always care about you
For the skies of love that I will give you
For every kiss, hug, dream, smile
For the calm, happy, tears & laughter
Every word, every poem - every moment
My ultimate goal is your happiness
Then I know I am ultimately happy

By Just Me

The Way You.......

In your smile
I see my happiness

In your eyes
I see how I feel

Holding your hand
You holding mine
Not wanting to let go

Your chest - my pillow
My ear loves your beat

It feels like I am new
Like no one has known me
Accept you

No one has really seen me
But you

My dreams were just that
Until you - and I believe

Nothing will ever compare
To all that you are to me

When you hold me
My soul reaches out
To it's soul mate

Everything wonderful
My heart, mind, spirit
Could ever want
Is you

That you give to me
Willingly - You

That I am your opposite
That I am your attract

That I am important
That I give you happy
Is all I can ever want

Because this combined
Is all that makes me
Ultimately Happy

By Just Me

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Deep Of My Heart

You have travelled much
In the deep waters of my heart
Rowed through fragile crevices
Flowed with me in the ocean’s swell
Sailed over the highest of seas
Through the mist and to the clear
Til you found my soul & heart within
You saved me from drowning
In the resistant and lonely waters
You poured buckets of happiness
I began to believe in my dreams
Looking in to the stars and finally
They were winking at me

I close my eyes and every time
You take me to another place
How you have whispered in my ear
Touched me with your words and
Your eyes with deepest sincerity
Reached in and pulled me from myself
You know how there is much more
I have to give and places I want to go
Take my hand – Just hold it tight
Pull me in close every possible way
I just want you do everything you do
All over again and then begin it again
I will never get enough – of the spell
That you have put me under - YOU

Just Me 

Waiting For A Plane

Waiting for a plane
It's those days as always
I look forward to
7 days and nights 
Full of time
For 21 of solid work
Most important of all
I'm travelling home
To be with 
Someone who is my world
Every moment with you is
Quality time spent
How you are the very reason
Home is where my heart is

So waiting for a plane
Is just the simple means
Of getting home to you
How my being craves you
Not just for 7 days post 21
Every day just know
How special you are
At the centre of my life
My heart - my life
Just isn't - without you

Just Me

Saturday, November 8, 2014

One Pilbara Morning

I looked behind me towards the sun
Creeping out from the ridge, such beauty
Ahead of me was the moon with pride
Not yet willing to relinquish its spotlight
Together they yield the most wonderful
Depth of colour from the landscape before me
Softening cloud with the hues of sun and moon
Adding shade to the brightness of the light
As my journey on wheels changes direction
The sun and the moon follow me too
Nature - a most perfect landscape created
By the most amazing of creators - one
Who does not need a face to be known
We feel - see the presence surrounding us
Those who can open their heart and soul
Enough who believe see so much more

Just Me

Sunday, November 2, 2014


You show me how to live – everyday
Stepping back to see the big picture
A mere mortal in the grand scheme
One star amongst a whole galaxy
I used to think I was living
But actually I was just breathing
You gave me light, brightness
I used to feel the lonely & empty
Now I am never lonely
You give me so much to live for
You don’t give me what I can handle
You help me handle what I am given
I am thankful for my struggles
Without them I wouldn’t have strength
You know all of my vulnerabilities
I am not what has happened to me
Instead I am what I chose to be
Changing each day - to choose
What I will become  – a better me

Just Me

If I Am........

If I am the calm to your world
The hands that feel good in yours
The comfort when you sleep
Extra joy in your everyday
Added happiness to your soul
Then I am closer to my goal

If I am like a dream come true
That you just want to be with me
Someone you look forward to
Someone you can cherish
Who will always be there for you
Then I am closer to my goal

If I am always present in your heart
You can be you completely with
Massage you inside and outside
By the things that I do for you
You feel me even in distance
Then I am closer to my goal

If I am worthy of your love
You know where I come from
You see all my imperfections
Being completely me with you
How I would sacrifice for you
Someone who will fight for you
Then I am closer to my goal

Love should have no boundaries
Happiness cannot be limited
The goal of giving, love & happiness
Is eternal –
My goal like reaching for the stars
Lifelong and limitless
Everyday giving you love & happiness
All that you could ever want

Just Me

About Me.........