Saturday, November 29, 2014

I Would For You

If I could be your PC screen
I would inspire your gallery
Just so I can see you smile at me

If I could be your coffee cup
Just so I can feel your lips on me
Feel you embrace me as you drink

If I could be your sky
I would be the perfect one
Brilliant blue and sunshine
With gentle fluffy clouds
For the gentle cooling breeze

If I could be a book you read
It will consist of those short notes
Long emails, hand written letters
Conversations, every moment
We have ever lived together

If I could be your favourite meal
I would be everything - the flavour
The ingredients, the preparation
Cooking, compassion and enjoyment
Everything from beginning to end

If you wanted to take a joyride
I would be more than the joyride
I would be the joyride that never ends
Fulfilling, fun, satisfying, fast, slow
Intense, interesting & spontaneous

If it's fireworks you want to experience
I would be the vibrancy and the energy
I would be the most flamboyant 
That leaves a lasting impression on you
But I wouldn't just stop there .........

I would take you to a magnificent moon
Where it is at it's most brightest 
Where the stars glimmer like diamonds
The shooting stars parade just for us

If you should be alone to sit by a tree
I would be the gardens, the sun, the grass
I would be the gentle breeze, the sounds
Tranquility, birds, the calm in your soul
The relaxation in your body and mind

When you go for a jog alone or not
I would be the air to fill your lungs
Dancing through your body to energise
I would be the adrenalin rush
The place when you catch your breath

The thing is I would be there for you
The thing is I would sacrifice for you
The thing is I would do anything for you

By Just Me

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