Sunday, August 15, 2010

Politics - blah...blah.....blah

So i am really over the election - in fact i am even over the voting booth for next weekend! in fact i hope i can even raise the enthusiasm to vote (online)

I can't believe that the political parties still spend so much time on pointing out the things that the opposition has done wrong - rather than spending the time on telling us what their own party is going to do.

i am so over the commercials and in fact if i get a glimmer that one is just about to  start i simply mute it or change the channel. so the result of this commerical campaign is negativity in my eyes and ears.

when i am 80 yrs old

my brother in law says to me that his motto in life is to experience everything life has to offer so that when he is like 80yrs old, there are plenty of stories to tell the grandchildren.

So about a month ago i spent a random 90 minutes at the local quietville pub - with the brother in law - i gotta say it was 90 minutes i will never get back and it will slip into the black hole of nothing when i am 80 suffering from a severe case of dimentia!

So bro in law - next time take me on a real memorable adventure :) gotta get back that 90min.........U owe me bigtime!

Friday, August 13, 2010


At a Christmas get together a comment was made that ‘friends are not what they used to be, that friends have become part of an online numbers game…’It bids the question, has our world become too virtual and hence our friends too?

Are our virtual friends quality friends?

It got me thinking about the types of friendships I have and where they exist (the real or virtual world) or both. Are both worlds as quality as the other for building quality friendships – well I guess that depends on what kind of friendship that is!

It’s a personal thing, each one to them selves. On reflection it appears that I have friends that cross over into both worlds (probably like most of you) no surprise there! But is the screen a defence from the invasion of personal space or as an excuse for making the effort to really catch up with our friends? Or do we value our online experiences just the same, and we just communicate more electronically than ever before?

So how do your friends sum up in the virtual world????

According to some of my friends - it’s not a question of a numbers game it is simply tyranny of distance, life and so little time that it’s just easier to communicate electronically and far easier than ever before. Is that going to be the eventual end of lunch with the girls or a night out at the flicks, Friday night after work drinks or the physical shoulder to cry on!

How many friends do you really have? Is it all about the numbers – a numbers game, a competition. Is your online network a measure of how popular you are?

Just – incomplete!

U R Alone

You said you gave me life
I say you just came into mine
You said, I said – you always thought you were right

Blinded by your own self absorbed life
You lost all you thought you had
so much for your one sided life

You are alone, you are now alone
You would never admit it
you are always right
So you say in your own mind

No longer to stay as a sidelined existence
She – just the other, made a life of her own

Today not blinded by the one sided life
Standing strong & independent
No longer the ‘other’
But the lead role

On a new path & in charge of her life
You, however are alone

you are now alone
You would never admit it
You are always right
So, you say in your own mind

By Me

Just words

from one chapter to another chapter
a challenge to new heights
freedom to be independent
wisdom adding maturity to age
experiences go with your journey
aquaintance becomes a friend
awareness a new understanding
fears tackled, fears yet to tackle
emerging a self confidence
discovering - learning to trust
so what does all this equal?
a life well lived - all worth living.

By Me

Soul Mate

a soul mate is not perfection of shallow attractions
but a love that many read about so unique and rare
realness that is deep and sincere - a lasting bond
one not sugar coated or glowing with bright light
what a privilege to know - it would be so profound
to share harmony, such balance - yin and yang
fitting like a glove with fingers out stretched
neither held back together encouraged to grow
its like pen and paper and mind connecting words
creating a union of mind, body and soul


better the devil you know

It is so unfair! You’d think I would’ve learned by now, seen the signs.
They always look so incredibly good, luring me in
and before I know it, the feelings take over, I fall for the moment
I eat the chocolate bar without a second thought, calories are so evil.

By Me

About Me.........