Sunday, November 27, 2016


Love is power
We can do beyond our thoughts
It drives us to protect
Without boundaries, we act
With love in our heart - the greatest

Love is strength
Carry us when we struggle
If we search the love
Within us, we overcome
All that seems emotionally impossible

Love is light
Where there is darkness
There will always be light
Look and feel love
You will find your way
Out of the darkness
A path will present to you

Love is foundation
Nothing has significance
Without the love
We are nothing
A mere hollow shell
Striving for meaning
That makes no sense
Until we have and know
- Love -

Love is a place
With deepest foundations
A place full of light
Filled with strength, power
This place we protect
Beyond our expectations

By Just Me

A Breeze Came

The breeze came,
the leaves rushed aimlessly ahead
letting the wind catch them in its whim

How freely they ebb and flow above the ground
they had once fallen
thought forsaken

Just as you came along
lifted me from a place
thought to dwell
for a long time to come

I let myself be open to you
caught in your presence
to take me - I follow thee
you lead me
to where I needed to be
- with you -

Just Me

About Me.........