Sunday, December 16, 2012

Questionku 1 - 8

Haiku 4,5,6 ending with a question

Poem 1

Eyes meet his gaze
A devilish smile
Wonder what he will do?

Poem 2

If he just knew
How he makes me feel
Should I keep it inside?

Poem 3

My mind says no
But my heart says yes
Tell me, what should I do?

 Poem 4

There is some risk
For being honest
But what will that cost me?

Poem 5

You see my pain
That impacts my life
Can you keep my secret?

Poem 6

Fire or Water
Only one can I choose
Which one will save my life?

Poem 7

Can’t live with you
Can’t live without you
What is our middle ground?

Poem 8

Each step I take
A clue to it’s path
What if there was no clue?
By Me

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Flying in my Dreams

I glide through the sky
The air keeping me light
Feeling so free
My arms as wings
Eyes to see
The magnificent beauty
Which stands before me
Amazing as a dream
It felt so real
White wings like an angels
Like those in child’s make believe
What a world it could be
We all as angels in flight
Feeling free
By Me


Just one of many things

Catching me out and truly unexpected
Flashbacks that only bring tears to mind
Children so powerless, no happiness to see
Left in the darkness to fear night and sleep

Nowhere to run, no one to care for them
Cold blooded man with no heart or love
Chillies for breakfast more punishment for tea
Strappings and cruelty, their harsh reality

Forced to watch and too scared to cry
Strength inside but fear in our eyes
Never show weakness, take it on the chin
Secretly hoping he pays for his sins

So much fear, sadness and guilt
Fear of not standing up to his build
Sadness for the horrible things endured
Guilt I wear for not making this stop

Life has many challenges, that we know
I should have dealt with mine years ago
Instead I just pushed it so far below
Locked deep out of sight, out of mind 

Letting this all impact on my life
Feelings subtle in the background
Slowly eating at my heart and soul
Preventing me from being whole 

So this is a new promise to myself
Finally remove it all from the shelf
No more will it comfortably be dormant
Day by day I will sweep it all out
By Me

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Emotions in Knots

Like a tangled mess, stubborn knots
Emotions like this exist in me a lot
I begin to untangle starting with ease
Relaxed in the moment some therapy

Then I get stuck here and there in spots
Following the string in its twisted path
Two steps forward then one step back
Testing how far I will stay on this track

Lots of twisted, turns and loops
Emotions swirling like hula hoops
It’s just a knot, that’s all it is
Why get worked such as this

Emotions - just like a knot at times
Carrying them subconsciously through life
Taking us on a roller coaster ride
To places we hide and places new
If I study those emotions
Maybe knots would be easy to undo

By Me

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Child Within

Let it out, screaming inside my head
Holding back the flood gates
Locked in underground cell to supress
The tears that dwell deep within

 A place where colours don’t exist
Starkness, isolation and sadness
Why visit such a space of gloom
When I can build storeys above

 A tower of strength, sturdy and high
Stability and proud to the general eye
Exploring each level one at a time
Only very few find the truth inside

 Strength based on fragile foundations
The child within reaching to be free
Powerless, ashamed and lost innocence
An adult who fears unlocking all the hurt

 Denial is such an easy path to take
Beware the silent sadness that blooms
As the hurt from deep within emerges
Penetrating through the cracks

I want to unlock that cellar deep below
Look her in the eye embrace all she hides
Take her hand and set her free
Allow myself to finally become me 
By Me 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

He Who Offers Me Sun

Meeting you was like being greeted by sunlight
The hair on my skin reaching to take you all in
Embellishing the energy you radiate from within
Just feeling your rays running along my skin
Such warmth and happiness envelopes my heart
You make me realise I’m alive inside once again
Knocking on that door of chance and a new friend
Love again, a place that I would never expect to see
But this is the dream that someday I know will come
The mystery man that I meet who offers me the sun

By Me

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Brave Enough

If I was ever brave enough
Pondering my feelings
What would I express to you
Could I let it all out
The depth and effect you have on me

Could I unravel it all
Make any sense of how I feel
Organise my thoughts
Engage your attention in me
Just so you get my groove

Its love I fear
So when you are near
I melt with the attraction
Emotion overwhelms
I only know how to run

Impressions from my past
Come forth to stamp a mark
That cautions me to stop
Not give in to my heart
Let you in or allow you to see

Give me the strength
Help me become brave
Push forward through the pain
That hinders me with restaint
Like barbwired in a cage

Nervous beats pounding
Distance myself
Layers of emotions
Like the evolving sea
I feel this within me

On the smooth shiny sand
You stand, guiding me in
Gently groping fragile rope
Pulling me toward the shore
To free me from my lonely raft

Finally a man who can help me see
Bringing me into the light
Shedding my old skin
All that has been locked away
Saturates me, I am finally free

Intensity that gravitates
Me to you, you to me
I am yours, you are mine
No longer do I run or hide
On the tip of my tongue
Embracing that I can love
Just Me

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Make - Believe

A character born from the words on the page
Absorbed into me, words released from their cage
Once spoken from the voice, the one that rings true
The connection is made, imagination shines through
Embrace the character you see, in your mind’s eye
Develop and make your own, as the weeks pass by
Taking centre stage, as one, but with parts of many
Character ghosts of my past, all wanting to be free
Therapeutic, full of glee, relief from conscious me
The real is submerged to make way for make- believe
By Me

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Toilet Talk

What does one do when in the public loo
Apart from the obvious one’s or two’s, well it’s true!
Walls decorated with an array of graffiti and words
Scribble, or jokes, tasteless, amusing or absurd 
The mischief one gets up to, in a moment of quiet
Who would of thought to have a marker at hand
Ready for the opportunity to sign one’s tag
Tell me have you ever pondered the thought
Of having a wall of poetry, for the toilet door
Like a whiteboard, that you can clean with ease
Always ready for a new day, or week of ideas
Just imagine the mind’s workings in progress
Looking straight back at you when your mind is in idle
This is what happens when one is on the loo
Time on one’s hands to think things through!

By Me

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Without it we don’t see light and shade
Balanced it doesn’t blind us with its light
Creatively it is has influence on the hue
Its absence brings darkness without a clue
No moon to admire from high in the sky
Or light at night to guide us on our way
The impact of it on our life is profound
Everywhere you look it can be found
You see it on every page and screen
Surrounding every part of our being
It’s here right now, even as you read
Hugging the space around each letter and word
‘Whiteness’ as is commonly referred

By Me (2012)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Diamonds in your Eyes

I know when I see it
My heart skips a beat
Blush reaching my cheeks
As our eyes meet

A flitter so quick
But wow what a kick
Wanting another glimpse
Maybe it was just me

Will you be looking
If I take another peak
Do I even dare to
What will you think

For once in my life
Take a chance, try
Get the courage
Take that peak

So what if I blush
Or if he sees me stare
Maybe he is feeling
Just like me, scared

Looking up to glance
To my surprise
We catch each other out
The glimmer, the smile
The Diamonds in your eyes

By Me

Rude Drunken Pen

Bloody rude drunken pen has enjoyed a nib of ink or two, reminiscing on a few
Bad and ugly times, both admit things were sometimes a bit of a mess,
All kinds of intertwined, confused, but along the way making some progress
On the grand masterpiece of all masterpieces – writing bliss
At first polite, we take in turns, to interject with collaborative words,
Until the air hits us hard, take a breath, where’s your etiquette, manners and respect,
My turn pen, I command, continue on to write, scribbling like an erratic bird’s nest.
Pen resists and spits its ink, a dirty blob from its nib…how rude
All smudged and slurred is a dribbling rambling of everything crude
Across the page leaking its ink, clearly from excessive drink
Dancing on thin ice, my drunken pen decides to try and entice
Inviting me to envelope, his muscular body with smooth fingers
Such fraternisztion you drunken sleaze, how do you expect to please
The love of your life, giving you permission to write and express your ink with ease
Drunken pen is at a loss as reflects on his drunken state, its very late
Blubbering relaxed words across the page, deep within and obscure
Then I realise that my drunken pen is sometimes a little insecure
He has a way of making me melt when I think of his 50 shades of ink - blue
Each drink of ink that fills his nib, that prints our words, that stains my skin
Is in every way the partnership of creative bliss and my perfect hue

By Me

Desire - Modern Cinquain

Wanting you
Passion, intensity, touch
Heart pounding, pleasure, erotic

Just Me

Come Paint with Me

Do you wanna come play in the paint with me?
Colours in tubs, ready for hands and feet
Dipping in slow, squishy - cold, in they go
Feeling the paint gushing between our toes
Stomp, Stomp, it splashes up to the knees
Pro Hart imagination - anything goes
Our grins playful and wide, a giggling mess

Do you wanna come play in the paint with me?
Now our hands, oh oh, where will this lead
Skin like a canvas, paint running down with ease
I get the slippery feeling it’s going to please
Mind like a child, happy, therapeutic and free
What could be more fun than painting with me?
Come join me in total body painting graffiti

Just Me

Saturday, September 29, 2012


It’s joyous, warm, makes you feel good inside
Being the recipient of a genuine, contagious smile
Hitting you like a blast a display of happy emotion
It travels beyond the mouth, reaching to the eyes
You can hear it by sound then you know it's real
Seeking it out because you want to be found
By the travelling happy smile on a merry go round
A gift to be collected and treasured to the core
Because a warm loving smile can be rare to find

Just Me

Living Canvas

It begins as a blank canvas
Where I begin my life's work
Each thought I imagined
Every experience I gained
Evolving with each move
Bold colours and textures
Forming together at once
In front of my very eyes
A new painting is created
My journey with a view
Taking me to the very end

Just Me

Something Special

We don’t know something special until its gone
Even when it looks us straight in the eyes
A gift, an opportunity, a friend or even love
Hovering, ever present to the point of screaming
Oblivious, not seen, not realised now lost
Like a flick of a switch you suddenly realise
What could have been has just given up

Just Me

Friday, June 1, 2012


Paralysed by my surroundings
Enduring the visions you hold
Deep paths burned in all corners
My brain is a multi track mind
Anxious in sleep, beating fast
Thoughts all eratic and twisted
No sense a numbness no flight
My body wrapped in your web
Struggling to escape this fight
My body overheated and sweaty
Suddenly awake - such a fright!

Just Me

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A walk on the wild side

Allow me to walk on the wild side
Take my hand and guide me there
Help me climb out of the box
A box that is plain and bare

Show me what it's like to live
Outside of my naive realm
Let me see that which is unseen
To explore another playground

You can trust me with your secrets
And help me to uncover mine
Extend my minds eye wide
Show me what it's like
On the other side

I sacrifice myself to your ocean
My skin exposed and fragile
Absorbing you like a sponge
Embracing all you offer me
Until all my learning is done

Its then that we can be merged
Good girl and wild side become one

Just Me

Sex chat whore

A man who has lost his real true love
endless tears streaming down like rain
then just darkness, nothing - no pain
forgetting love its just desires he craves

A woman he hears - her voice just fine
seductive she whispers sensually in his ear
she word plays for him his sexual desires
feeding fantasies his only type of love

He imagines her scent filling his air
eyes deep blue his lost in her stare
touching lips taste savoury and sweet
hands caressing body oh sublime

Breathing fast and pumping heart
a craved desire his only sexual play
she takes him to places - erotic so real

her sexyness just driving him insane

He can't imagine a life without it
an addiction relentless to his core
this seductive and aluring woman
his only saviour - a sex chat whore

By Me (2011)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Short but sweet

In my day dreams the sky is the limit
feeling like hours but last only minutes
the story unfolds fast forwarded in my mind
unable to blink breaking the vision in sync
thoughts, visions, feelings and success
extended beyond reality to even contest
an appetite - my mind to be in another place
one day my dreams will be ideas to taste

Just Me

Monday, May 14, 2012

A book with no end

Our dialogue is like a book with no end
Pages without numbers a writers friend
The ink in my pen will never run dry
My mind feeding me a constant flow
Visions brought forward places unknown
Emotions explored from crevices below
Delight in the stories and places i see
Together a partnership - perfect harmony
Each turn of our page a newly created phrase
A dance within the sphere of heart and mind
Just like ribbons coloured and intertwined
Our dialogue is but what gives me light

Just Me

2D Life

Her heart is stone cold she cannot be loved
A wall a defence she's built years to protect
Raw emotion nor attraction ever expressed
This heart closed to letting inside her chest

This wall has withstood the test of time
But for what benefit? to strengthen mind?
A saviour from feelings - she wants to deny
Not ever experience what life is like to know

Perfect world in her eyes - no tears to be felt
All thoughts simply a matter of black and white
No colour, no sunshine, no rainbow or smile
Just a two dimensional life day and night

The heart unloved is surrounded by steel
Long supressed emotions no longer real
Stripped and separated mind and heart
How long can one sustain until falling apart

This world sealed for her until death thy part

Just Me

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Night - Your Day

Of all the people in the world I knew
I mostly want to connect with you

My night is your day and your day my night
We are worlds apart, but I feel you near

Naked and enveloped in our embrace
Passion we are both so desperate to taste

Distance preventing our bodies to unite
But in our minds together it feels so right

Ponder opportunity knowing our time will come
A place where our day and night become one

Just Me

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Recipe Zest

Laptop at hand buried in my cozy bed
- distraction -
raining outside but words stuck in my head
- focus -
is needed to clarify my thoughts, get them out
- teasing -
messages from him to my inbox right now
- consuming -
driving me crazy with emotions all intense
- insanity -
overloading, give me some peace tonight
- relax -
be in the moment, breathing calmness and still
- creative -
is when my mind can be free at it's very best
- reflect -
on experience, putting it together to connect
- luring -
all my mind heart and soul into poetry zest

By Me

Friday, May 11, 2012

Perfect Mother Nature

clouds for me to sleep on at night
the moon so I can read by lamp light
stars as friends to guide my dreams
pure mild breeze my air to breath
ocean to caress my body clean
sun my sign it's a brand new day

by Just Me

Eyes Looking Back at Me

Gazing in the bathroom mirror
My eyes looking back at me
Anguish and misery - all I see
Years just like groundhog day
Never seeing it any other way

Life is meant to be more than this
If only a genie - grant me a wish
We all experience pain this is true
Grant me the strength to see this through
Please is this never going to end
Save me from my misery

Luck sometimes comes your way
Giving you hope a brand new day
So I now feel at home all is good
Settled sorted as much as one could
A quiet moment - inhaling it all in
Feel that I exist here and this is real
Knowing this day hasn't been a dream

Never to be taken for granted
Not once - where i have been
Now as I gaze into that mirror
I like what looks back at me
My eyes see a new chapter
That of endless possibilities
A sky that has no limits
A new space long time seen

By Me

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Just pages of U

Pages been inked
Reflection of time
Memories one can rewind
Moments been and gone
Words still ring true
Emotions connected
It's a picture of you
These were ugly times
Unpleasant and few
My only saviour
Just pages of you
It had to be this way
You were always closed
Eyes - mouth - ears
Your feelings so blank
You present me a wall
With no face and no heart
What was a girl to do
But make a brand new start

By Me

Love = Life

It's been a while for me what about you?
Almost forgotten or possibly not a clue
Fantasies arise - begin to store and evolve
What once was a truth - is now disolved

So it's been a while for me - what about you?
Surely I know - what on earth I have to do
What distraction has caused intimacy zero for me
Calm my crazy world so iron clad I can't see

Why walk this earth with my eyes wide shut
Deny myself opportunity, intimacy and love
Closed to inspiration for a heart just beating life
Trying to send me signals to feel love beaming bright

Knowing I have it within me but yet I'm petrified
Wish it would just find me - envelope me so kind
Embracing feelings - I have so long been denied
Help me decipher the signs so I don't lose my mind

Hey you out there - if your reading my rhyme
Please - let this be your sign .........................
Don't be like me - and forget what life is all about

By Me

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

3 = One

You would think they are the one and same
Me, myself and I - intertwined
Its all here - different parts co-exist
Influence this mind three egos persist
At times a battle - here to be won
Thoughts and emotions going round the twist
Three = one / at times hard to control
Confusion, decisions they are all involved
Although different - but all part of one
I couldn't imagine life any other way
Three different perspectives weight divided
I assure you not equally - then decided
Sometimes I lose to myself and I
But me is who I am and that's just fine

By Just Me

Trusting Existence

Like a blank canvas and nothing to paint
I stare into oblivion with no sign of life
Body a statue, so tense locked tight
A darkness a shadow will never leave my sight

To someone so little a very trusting existence
On reflection such an intrusion of innocence
Adults speak such lies which look like truth
Frightened, confused, just run and hide

Locked away files - memories stored in the mind
Permanent - cannot be erased - scarred for life
Sometimes thoughts stone cold - my heart is dead
To this day fight to feel free - a will to the very end

By Me

Its wicked u know

It's wicked the way u make me feel about you
My mind taken, twisted, to never undo
Visions like my dreams so wild and free
Its a place - if u want - pleasure make believe

A stranger, a man with a username and face
No need for personal details just a 2D space
Be what, see what and talk what you want
The letters from the keys rise up to taunt

A place with whom the strangers divulge
All things worldly, naughty and nice
Pulling at your curiosity tempting u to taste
A dialogue that's raw, not for faint hearted

Here there are no delays of time and place
The world can join in at their leisure and pace
What you get is what you invest, don't expect
It's not that giving - maybe sacrifice your soul

One thing is for sure - it will rape your mind
A new experience that you will accept or deny
Shared with strangers - secrets and artificial lives
Stop.....there is no gossip and certainly no spies

Released from their reality, the uncertainty they see
It's a global village where people want to feel free
To express, have no regrets knowing secrets kept
Its wicked you know what this space knows about me!

By Me

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My addiction is a place I want to be
It's my reality and my creative key
To unlock my thoughts and secrets deep
With strangers - my secrets can keep

A place where judgement is free
I can be anyone that I want to be
Or simply be me - there's noone else to please
Because with my addiction I feel at ease

Internal thoughts and emotions knotted
Desperate to be unlocked and unleashed
My mind, body and soul now breathes
My addiction that gives me my release

By Me

Monday, April 23, 2012


They could be strangers or maybe not
Mind locked to their own moment,
Embraced by feelings and thoughts
Their bodies intertwined - unaware
That a watcher is looming in the air

Breathing, watching taking it all in
Secretly I see u, U dont see me
Alive in the mind, senses go wild
Sensual, erotic it's intoxicating

Only those who seek me out
Beyond, will see what I see
Do u dare to be there - make me aware
Or let me just be or join in with me
Secretly the watcher now being watched

A fantasy in motion raw and exposed
Pleasure given and pleasure taken
Subtle and stealth now one becomes two
Voyeurs seeking out their pleasure

So you see me and now I see you
Intense, ravenous, desiring it all
We play it out and so much more
Relinquishing inhibitions down to the core

A desire held so secret, buried and raw
Never rising to the surface for public thought
A fantasy a dream to one day bring true
Something to experience - maybe with you

By Me

About Me.........