Sunday, December 16, 2012

Questionku 1 - 8

Haiku 4,5,6 ending with a question

Poem 1

Eyes meet his gaze
A devilish smile
Wonder what he will do?

Poem 2

If he just knew
How he makes me feel
Should I keep it inside?

Poem 3

My mind says no
But my heart says yes
Tell me, what should I do?

 Poem 4

There is some risk
For being honest
But what will that cost me?

Poem 5

You see my pain
That impacts my life
Can you keep my secret?

Poem 6

Fire or Water
Only one can I choose
Which one will save my life?

Poem 7

Can’t live with you
Can’t live without you
What is our middle ground?

Poem 8

Each step I take
A clue to it’s path
What if there was no clue?
By Me


  1. Why does this sound so relevant to my life?

    1. Hi Amicus

      Thankyou for reading my poems. :). I think the interesting thing about the Quesionku poems is that many can relate to them in such different ways. We can all write these very words, they will feel similar and very relevant...yet each person will have their own story that each one of these is applicable to. I'm glad you can relate to the poems

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