Saturday, November 29, 2014

Apologies in Advance

I apologise in advance
I'm going to stare in your eyes
For an unknown period of time
I may happen to watch you
And I wont be able to help myself

I apologise in advance
For my uncontrollable urge
To kiss your lips continuously
For any length of time
A number of times a day

I apologise in advance
Because I want to touch you
Even when I shouldn't
I might happen to hold you
Brush myself against you
Cuddle you or massage you

I realise I keep apologising 
But I think it's best you know
In advance - of my addiction
One that I am sure you know
The addiction I have with you
An addiction that has no cure

So while I am apologising
I should tell you how I feel
You struck me - lightening bolt
Straight to my heart - a charge
I have been changed / altered
Forever - an affect for life
You are the owner of my heart

Oh and I need to apologise
Because I can't help it - but
I think of you even when I'm not
You are never out of my thoughts
I'm never going to be out of love
Because I have so much to give
I hope you don't receiving my love
It's impossible to contain it
and i don't want to even try it

So Just know well in advance
That I have already apologised
For how special I may make you feel
For how much you are thought of
How I will always care about you
For the skies of love that I will give you
For every kiss, hug, dream, smile
For the calm, happy, tears & laughter
Every word, every poem - every moment
My ultimate goal is your happiness
Then I know I am ultimately happy

By Just Me

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